Engineering in Productive Systems

Professional profile

The Engineer in Productive Systems has the necessary professional competences for his performance in the labor field, in the local, regional and national scope.

  • Manage the necessary resources of the organization to ensure the planned production according to the client's requirements.
  • Manage the quality management system, with a systemic approach, according to the client's requirements, considering technical and economic factors, contributing to sustainable development.
  • Develop and innovate manufacturing systems through project management, considering customer requirements, quality standards, ergonomics, safety and ecology to achieve competitiveness and profitability of the organization with a globalized approach.

Performance scenarios

The Engineer in Productive Systems will be able to develop in:

The economic, extractive, manufacturing and service sectors, private or public, developing their professional competences, with a sustainable approach, that allow applying their skills related to the design and development of products, design and implementation of processes, administration of operational activities and administrative of a plant or company, including the implementation, development and control of projects.

Professional occupations

The Engineer in Productive Systems may perform as: Engineer, Area Manager, Superintendent, Manager, Director, in areas of:

Production, Quality, Product Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Logistics, Technological Innovation, Projects, Technical Support, among others. In addition to Consultant and Businessman.

Registration procedure

Physical Presentation of original documents required.

  1. Birth certificate with copy.
  2. SUT certificate with copy.
  3. Title and professional certificate of TSU with copy.
  4. CURP.
  5. Proof of address.
  6. Children's photography or credential.
  7. Original Bachiller certificate and copy.